Suffer Club – Workout 68

We’re slipping into Darktober now, walking out the door in darkness. Psychologically things get a little harder, even though the sunrises get better and better.

This is a circuit with a circuit in it. It was pretty intensely cardiovascular all the way through.

The Agility Circuit you see consisted of an agility ladder followed by a set of cones spaced 10 feet apart. Suffers ran the ladder than had to touch the top of each cone, side-shuffling between them. No rest for the wicked.

  1. Speed Skater x 20
  2. Jumping Jack x 20
  3. Agility Circuit
  4. Inclined Push Ups x 10
  5. Triceps Dips x 10
  6. Agility Circuit
  7. Plank Toe Tap x 20
  8. Crab Tap x 20
  9. Agility Circuit
  10. Squat Thrust x 10
  11. Russian Twist x 40
  12. Agility Circuit